Saturday, December 11

my sassy girl.

nurin tengok my sassy girl tadi. tapi versi inggeris. aku pernah dengar orang cakap versi inggeris tu tiru my sassy girl verso korea. aku pun tak tahu mana satu yang betul. apa yang pasti, aku pernah tengok my sassy girl versi korea ni long time ago.

im not a big fan of korean film pun actually. ive been asked by someone to watch this film. someone once special in my life. at least for 7 years he was. bila dia suruh aku tengok cerita tu, aku membayangkan dia rasa nasib dia macam lelaki tu. sebab aku memang macam pompuan tu. aku bossy. i want things to be my way. and most of the time, dia mengalah je dengan aku.

aku cerewet. aku paranoid. semua nya kena ikut cara aku. apa aku fikir je betul and of course it always leads to fight. tapi selalu nya lepas berbaik, aku mesti akan tanya,

" perangai ny ni teruk. hm, boleh ke b bertahan dengan ny?"

and without failed, he'll always answer,

"selama ni pun b boleh bertahan, mesti lah b boleh bertahan punya"

but guess what? he lied. dia tak dapat bertahan pun.

benda ni kind of buat aku paranoid. i mean, aku masih aku. bossy as ever. always wanting things to be done my way, part ni semua aku masih tak berubah. ada lah 2,3 perkara yang major berubah effect dari break off tu. but it doesnt include these.

setahun dengan f, of course banyak yang berubah. maybe sebab cara f treat aku berbeza? aku pun tak tahu. despite that, i never stop thinking about will f manage to put up with me. aku asyik fikir je. boleh ke dia bertahan? ini baru setahun. adakah pada tahun kedua, ketiga, keempat atau kelima baru dia nak cakap dia tak tahan?

tapi lepas tengok sassy girl tadi, i couldnt help it. rasa nak tanya gak. and yeah, i asked. and it broke his heart. :(

im sorry sayang. but although it might not be the same answer for each time. at that particular time, i just need to know the answer..


~~waniyummy~~ said...

semoga berbahagia....cepat2 ke jinjang pelamin ye..hehehe...

Anonymous said...

-"selama ni pun b boleh bertahan, mesti lah b boleh bertahan punya"
but guess what? he lied.-
i dont think that he was lying at that time..n u too cant tell if he really that particular moment, may b btul dia boleh bertahan n harap akan dpt trus bertahan..but ended up...(we knew how it was)
anyway, Allah has sent F to u..u've got a far better man that u deserve..after the soooo much pain n sorrow, He gives u chances to be happy..
just appreciate what u're having now and be thankful..
smoga terus berbahagia dan hidup sentiasa dirahmatiNya..amen~
*sorry for the lame, long comment*

cik nurulain said...

wani: thanks :)


yeah. u probably right. but i cant help it. im paranoid. men said things and didnt stick to it. he said he love us but then he thre-timed us with other two girls who maybe he found more pleasant.


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