Friday, January 29

ppffft. whatever.

seriously, coming back from tuition, there's so many things id like to blurt out here. pegi karaoke dengan F di waktu office hour. jamming dengan nurul, riyan, muzamir, nasyrul, aizat, shopping for bbq tommorow, hillarious incident with ammar....

seriously, a lot had happened today! i just cant wait to reach room, switch on my lappy and start typing a wonderful entry about my day and waiting patiently for my photos to be uploaded. but it seems like, my day ended miraculously sucks.

no one to be blame. its just, its hard to be me. some people might be able to just ignore it and pretend nothing happened. but me? maybe not.

"esok kan thaipusam long. tak elok gi bersuka ria tempat macam tu"


"tapi kalau nak pegi gak, pesan kat yang lain-lain tu, jangan suka-suka sangat"

"hurm, mak bagi along pegi ke tak?"


"mak, along tanya ni, mak bagi along pegi ke tak?"

"kalau boleh tak pegi, tak payah pegi lah long..."

"hurm, k"

and at that moment, im already bursting into tears.

if i went with them, im sure i wont be able to enjoy the moment as ill be thinking about my mum the whole time. but if i didnt go, i still felt sad. there's a rush of disappointment coming to my vein.

i really looking forward for this. but i cant go. it might sounded foolish to some who read this. but i tell you this, in CIK NURULAIN'S world, everything is bizzare. even a tiny weeny issue.

this entry already sounded like crap. im gonna get some sleep. hope ill wake up at 5. when everybody already return. yup. definitely. ill set my alarm now.



Qiha Aziz said...

tak dapat pergi mana? takpe. mesti ada hikmah tak dapat pergi tu. dengar cakap ibu tu lagi elok. :) kalau kita lawan takot something bad happen plak kan.

IntanBerlian said...

CN nape ni dear.hmm nk g mane? hmm a piece of advice.dgr ckp mak k..kadang2 pe diorg kate sumenye betol.yela.diorg kdg2.juz by instinct da rasa len2.actuallykan.aku pnh skali.aku nak sgt g gath.tapi mak aku beriye tak nak bg.. then aku nangis.. pastu mak aku xsdp hati.dia call lagi.then mak aku kate mcm ni, bukan ma xnk alng ngtla.anak mama xramai.4 org xnk pape yg xelok jadi.sdgkn ma xsdp hati.aku hiba betol senyum cket CN.


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